VPL Big Book Sale Haul

Welcome back to Reading, Reading, Reading!

On Saturday June 1, 2019, I went to my local library and picked up quite a few books in their big book sale! My local branch is under the large umbrella of Vaughan Public Libraries, and they collected overstocked and used books from all of their branches and sold them all in the #VPLBigBookSale! You could bring your own bag and fill it up with as many books as possible for $5, or purchase a bag or box from them and fill it up books.


There were rows upon rows of Fiction, Non-Fiction, Kids, and Teen books, that were all neatly spread out onto separate tables. I went into the sale with a few “rules” in mind:

  • I could not buy a random book in a series that I have not already started reading/collecting.
  • I could not buy a book that was really damaged (I know I would never end up read it).
  • I could only by books that I knew I would actually read in the near-ish future!

The selection was fantastic, and I managed to find some fantastic books in perfect/very slightly used condition!


The first book I found was STARS ABOVE by Marissa Meyer! I have been wanting to add this book to my Lunar Chronicles collection for a really long time, and when I found a paperback copy in nearly perfect condition, I literally gasped! This was a diamond in the rough, and I am beyond happy that I found it! I actually have yet to finished the Lunar Chronicles series, but I actually hope to re-read the series in it’s entirety sometime next year.


The next book I found was HOLLOW CITY by Ransom Riggs. This book is in absolutely perfect condition, and I bet that if you walked into your local book store today, the book wouldn’t be in the same pristine condition as my copy! I read the first book in MISS PEREGRINE’S quite a few years ago, but never had a push to purchase the second novel. When I found this one, I knew I needed to buy it!


I then found JAY’S JOURNAL, which is the companion novel to GO ASK ALICE. I read GAA about three years ago, and have been interested to pick this one up for a while. When I found it under the rubbles of the fiction table, I thought it would be a great book to purchase!


Within a YA box, I found A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU by Claudia Grey. I have heard some fantastic things about this series, and hope to read this first one sometime in the future!


The next book I found was ALONG FOR THE RIDE by Sarah Dessen. I have been on a contemporary kick lately, and have a small but growing Sarah Dessen collection, so I thought this would be the perfect pick up! The only downfall is that this one is a hardcover, and all of my other books from her are paperback, but I couldn’t resist the bargain!


I then found THE STORIED LIFE OF A.J. FIKRY by Gabrielle Zevin. I vaguely remember hearing about this book quite a few years ago, but couldn’t resist this beautiful cover (and intriguing synopsis)! I LOVE books set in bookshops, and I plan on reading this one in July!


The next book I purchased was THE 5TH WAVE by Rick Yancey. This is obviously a YA dystopian staple, but I have actually never read the book before! Around four years ago I watched the movie (accidentally!), and really enjoyed it, so I thought it would be nice to pick up the book!


In the Fall, I love to read historical fiction novels, and I thought this would be a great one to add to my TBR! THE GLASS SENTENCE by S.E. Grove was a highly-hyped YA historical fiction novel almost three years ago, but I hope to read it soon and still enjoy it!


The last book I found was GOSSIP GIRL by Cecily Von Ziegesar. When I found this on my way to the checkout, I couldn’t help but add it to my bag! I watched a few episodes of Gossip Girl on Netflix, but could never get into it. I have heard solid things about the book, so I wonder if my opinion of the story will change by reading it instead.


These are all of the books I picked up at the Vaughan Public Libraries Big Book Sale! I found some AMAZING bargains, and I’m so happy to have added them to my “already-too-large” collection!

Good Night Book Owls!

22 thoughts on “VPL Big Book Sale Haul

    • Thank you! I found out about this sale from Facebook, and I know a lot of other libraries are active on Facebook (especially posting about new events), too!

    • Thanks! Finding great library book sales can be a challenge (I can’t even remember the last one I went to before this one!), but when you do, they are usually spectacular!

  1. My local library use to sell some of their stock off about every two months and all books were about 20p. Unfortunately, the library shut down so no more really cheap books. You look like you got an amazing selection.

What are your thoughts?