In My Mailbox #6: OCTOBER 2015 EDITION!

Hi everyone!

This month I have been super busy with school and haven’t been able to post much of anything! I’m going to try hard in November to post at least 3 times a week, so that in December I can post everyday!

This month I received a TON of books from a lot of different publishers, so I thought it would be fun to do a collective In My Mailbox! Let me know if you would want to see one of these every few months, or one every time I get a package in the mail!

Alchemist HB pic

Back in August, I got an email from Margaret Chiavette about reading and reviewing her new fantasy novel, The Alchemist’s Theorem: Sir Duffy’s Promise. I thought that it sounded great, so I jumped on the chances! The picture above is a finished copy, but I received a paper back ARE! You can pre-order the book here.

I then recieved a BEAUTIFUL FINISHED COPY of Illumnae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. I quite enjoyed These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman, so I requested an ARE of this book. The book premise sounds amazing, I believe it is all written in emails, codes and messages. Plus, this book is the Booksplosion BOTM, and you can find out more about the amazing book club here. I’m so excited to read this book next month!

If you didn’t know this about me, I am a HUGE YouTube watcher! Back in May (2015), I got the chance to read and review Joey Graceffa’s book “My Journey to a Pixelated World”. When I found out that one of my favourite YouTubers’ Tyler Oakley was coming out with a book, I jumped to find the publishing house he signed with, and low and behold it was Simon and Schuster! Joey signed with S&S too! I quickly emailed Amy and requested a review copy. On the day of the release, a beautiful finished copy of Binge landed on my door step, and I have never probably been more excited for an ARE ever! I am currently reading this book and it is AMAZING! Expect a review very soon!


The last package I received was from Raincoast Books! This was my first time receiving books in the mail from Raincoast, although I went to an event earlier this fall from Raincoast which you can learn about here.  I requested several books from their monthly YA ARC Newsletter, and these were the 2 I recieved! I am so excited to read these books, as I have heard some great things about both of them!

There you have it! My October 2015 in my mailbox! If you want to read my past “In My Mailboxes”, click here!

Good Night Book Owls!

Quick Thought #17: To NaNo or Not to NaNo?

Hi everyone!

I hope that your weekend is going well!

I recently got an email from NaNoWriMo, reminding all of us writers that NaNoWriMo is coming soon! To be completely honest, I totally forgot about this event! I had some fun doing it last year, but it was really just a waste of time. I didn’t really have a good story line, and ended up releasing a new chapter every week of what it ended up to be. And… I still have t finished it, and don’t plan to. Although, I have an interesting idea for a piece that I want to write eventually, so maybe I do it for NaNo!

You can read my “novel” from last year here.

So, let me know what you think! Are you participating in it this year or are you still thinking about it like me?

Good Night Book Owls!

Quick Thought 16: TLOS AMAZING NEWS!

Hi everyone!

Long time no blog! I’ve been so busy with events and school that blogging has really not been a top priority. I’m going to try to blog at least 3-4 times a week, but taking a short break has got the wheels all geared up for some new and fun posts!

Today, I will be sharing with you some very exciting news! If you did not know, The Land Of Stories series by Chris Colfer is one of my all time favourites! 

A few days back Chris Colfer came out with some exciting news!

  1. The series is going to be 6 books instead of just 5!!!
  2. There will be a graphic novel all about Goldilocks in Fall of 2016, after the 6 and final book is released.
  3. There will be a “FairyTale Treasury” box set coming out this Christmas, with 2 new short novels.

This was all of the exciting news! I’m so excited for Chris Colfer, as well as where TLOS will go next… possibly a movie?!

Good Night Book Owls!

Author Event: The Secrets!

Hi everyone!

Today, I’m coming at you with a super exciting post! A few weeks ago, I found out that my school was selected by an author from The Secrets to come to my school and share her brand new book, as well as more info about the series!

Basically, The Secrets includes 7 books about 7 different girls. The girls are all connected to one another, as they all came from the same Orphanage in 1964. After the orphanage had a horrible fire, the girls were given something related to there personal past, which was some sort of clue. The clue would lead them to learn more about there backgrounds and birth family, something that was very illegal to do in 1964. As the girls discover more about themselves they find out about who they truly are.

Doesn’t that sound amazing?!

The event was a whole day thing. For an hour during the school day, we got to meet and discuss with Vicki Grant (the author), which was a lot of fun. During the night, we got to head over to a different school to meet all of the authors in the series! These authors are… KELLEY ARMSTRONG, VICKI GRANT, MARTHE JOCELYN, KATHY KACER, NORAH MCCLINTOCK, TERESA TOTEN and ERIC WALTERS.

Let’s start off with a recap of the event at my school with Vicki Grant!


Vicki Grant was an amazing speaker to have at our school! She discussed a lot about her book, Small Bones, as well as her beloved character Dot. Dot is short for Dorothy, and she was nick named Dot because she is/was very tiny! She discussed the cover of her book, which she surprisingly loves! Most authors hate the finished cover of their books, but she was very thankful that she loved her cover!


After explaining to us a little bit about her book, she read a very funny sample chapter of the book. Everyone was very intrigued by it, and it definitely made me want to pick up a copy!

We then had a “Question and Answer” time period, where we could ask any questions relating to the book or writing. Here were a few of the wonderful questions!

Q: “Have you ever had writers block?”
A: She did. She explained that she worked alone and was very nervous about writing this book. After all, there are wonderful authors that she was working with, and not only did she have to live up to their skills, she also did not want to disappoint!

Q: “How long does it take to write a book?”
A: Her first novel was Puppet Wrangler, and she started off with this novel because she used to work in Children’s Television, so writing a book for children about puppets was something she was familiar with. It took her 5 months to write the book, and once edited she sent it to 5 different publishers. The first response she heard from was a YES, but the 2 was a no. She didn’t even hear from the other 3 publishers! After setting up a deal with a publisher, it took about 1 year to come out.

Q: “In the book, does it talk about fire?”
A: Yes and no. In each of the books it talked about the fire. When she visited a school, a teacher mentioned to her that they would all start from the same scene. Vicki thought about this, and decided to have Dot remember little about the fire, and have flash backs of memories from it scattered throughout the novel.

Q: “Is the book from Dots perspective?”
A: Yes. All of the books are from first or third perspective.

Q: “Who was the first to finish book?”
A: Eric Walters.

Q: “Is there a specific order to follow when reading the book series?”
A: There is no specific order, and you don’t have to read all of the books. Each author added there own touch to the story to make it different from each others.

Q: “When you met up, did you read from eachothers books?”
A: They shared outlines and drafts together to make sure that no book was similar. She didn’t read much from hers, but knew what was going on in everyone elses. They had a very good author at Orca (their publishing house), so they didn’t have to worry much on eachothers books.

Q: “Have you read all of the books?”
A: Yes, but only the final drafts.

Q: “Have you ever deleted a book?”
A: No, but she has a book that she doesn’t really like, and has yet to do something with.

Q: “Are all of the books the same genre?”
A: They are all mysteries, but have there own touches to them.

Q: “Does Dot ever find her parents?”
A: You’ll have to read the book to find out!

After a long and fun time with Vicki, we headed back to our classrooms to finish off the day.

At 7:00pm, they held an event with all of the authors who wrote a book for the series! And of course, I had to go!

I went with a few of my best friends, as most of the people I’m friends with LOVE to read!


Each author discussed a little bit about their book, which was super fun to hear about!








They then held a fun “game” where you had to guess the secret about several of the authors!


At the end of the presentation, you had a chance to buy the books, and get the authors to sign them for you! Who would I be if I didn’t support the authors and there amazing books! Plus, a book signing oppurtunity!

I ended up picking up Vicki Grant’s book “Small Bones”, as well as Kathy Kacer’s book “Stones on a Grave”!

They signed them, too!

Overall, the event was a complete success, and I had so much fun attending it! Thank you to the amazing authors for coming to the event, as well as the 12 School’s participating for putting on an amazing event!

I hope you enjoyed my recap of this fabulous event!

Good Night Book Owls!

Alyssa’s Reviews – The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness (ARC)

Hi everyone!

Today, I’m going to be writing an ARC Review for The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness!

DISCLAIMER: I recieved this book kindly from HCC Frenzy, any quotes from the book are not finalized and may not show up in the official book.


What if you aren’t the Chosen One?
The one who’s supposed to fight the zombies, or the soul-eating ghosts, or whatever the heck this new thing is, with the blue lights and the death?
What if you’re like Mikey? Who just wants to graduate and go to prom and maybe finally work up the courage to ask Henna out before someone goes and blows up the high school. Again.
Because sometimes there are problems bigger than this week’s end of the world, and sometimes you just have to find the extraordinary in your ordinary life.
Even if your best friend is worshipped by mountain lions.
Award-winning writer Patrick Ness’s bold and irreverent novel powerfully reminds us that there are many different types of remarkable.

Favourite Quote/Section: Chapter 15, Page 216

“Not everyone has to be the Chosen One. Not everyone has to be the guy who saves the world. Most people just have to live their lives the best they can, doing the things that are great for them, having great friends, trying to make their lives better, loving people properly. All the while knowing that the world makes no sense, but trying to find a way to be happy anyway.”


This book showcased the naked truth in growing up, in a beautiful piece of fiction. How anybody could do that? I have NO IDEA. This book was unlike anything I had ever read before, which means a lot, as I have read nearly everything out there. While this book didn’t really have a plot or story line, the main message was clear, yet exactly anything but clear. While Mike is trying to graduate, confess his love to his long time crush, and stay clear of trouble with the indies, Mike faces personal conflicts that everyone has experienced. The family has a background for trouble, mainly his troubled Dad, his sister Melinda (Mel) who has an eating disorder, and Mike who has sever anxiety. On top of all of his priorities and troubles, Mike finds out that his Mother is running for a big job in the government. That’s a lot of things to worry about if you ask me.

One of my favourite parts of this novel was how every single one of the characters was relatable. Whether you had an illness, are gay, or are trying to get away from a Mission trip in a place of war from your parents, there’s something in it for you. The way that Ness made the characters was not something every author could do.

Can we just talk about the paranormal aspects for a second?! They were insane! From lazer blue-eyed cops, to zombie deer that jump over cars, to paranormal Indie kids. And although the paranormal aspect was hard to follow, it added a very interesting touch to the story, one that not everyone would be able to recognize.

Ness truly describes why not being a “Chosen One” may not be so bad afterall. Besides, when you have great friends and family that care and support you, you don’t need to be a Chosen One!

This book was an amazing book, that I would recommend to all. I gave it a 4.5 out of 5 stars!

I hope that you enjoyed my review of the novel The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness. The book is in-stores TODAY! So go pick up a copy for yourself, and jump into this spectacular journey!

Thank you again to HCC Frenzy for sending a copy of this book to me for review!

Good Night Book Owls!

Goosebumps Reading Challenge October 2015

Hi everyone!

Today I’m going to introduce a new challenge I’m partaking in this October!

I thought that it would be super fun to challenge myself to read 15-20 Goosebumps books! I have a ton of them, as I received them from my cousin who used to collect them!

Here are the many titles to read:

I’m so excited to reread/read some of my favourite goosebumps books!

Let me know if you plan on partaking in this challenge by sharing it with me in the comments below!

Good Night Book Owls!

October 2015 TBR

Hi everyone!

Today I’m going to be sharing with you my October TBR (to be read)!

Since I’m catching up on Scream Queens, I’m not going to share the covers of the books just the title.

  1. Say What You Will by Cammie Mcgovern 
  2. A Step Toward Falling by Cammie McGovern
  3. Goosebumps by RL Stine

Those are a few of the books I plan on reading this month!

Good Night Book Owls!