Spooky Scary Book Tag!

Hi everybody and welcome back to Reading, Reading, Reading!

With just about three weeks until Halloween, I thought it would be fun to participate in another book tag! Although I wasn’t tagged in one, I still thought it would be fun to do! If you have not completed this book tag but want to participate, I tag you (send me a link to your version of the tag and I will tweet it out!)!

I got this tag and all of the questions from “Howling Libraries”, you can check out her post here!

1. What goes bump in the night? Name a book that has legitimately scared you while reading it.


While you would probably expect me to go with a horror or thriller for this question, I actually believe that “Night” by Ellie Wiesel was the scariest book I ever read. The Holocaust in general is such a scary event, and it is even more scarier to me because I am jewish and have close family members that passed away because of it. I think the scariest part of this book is knowing that everything written inside it is real. There is nothing scarier than reading a scary book and imagining yourself in the narrators shoes, wondering if you would have even made it out alive.

2. Jack O’ Lanterns and Classic Costumes: A book you always reach for during Halloween time.


The book (or in my case, series), that I always reach for during Halloween time is the Goosebumps series. A few years ago, my cousin was cleaning some stuff out in his basement, and stumbled upon over 40 Goosebumps books. Around that time, I was looking for some spooky books to read, and I figured Goosebumps were great “classic” scary books for young adults. In 2015, I created a little Goosebumps challenge to see how many of them I could read throughout the month of October. I believe I read about 15 of them, and they were all great!

3. Black Cats and Magic Mirrors: A book you love that is laced with superstition and/or magic.


A book (or again, series) that I LOVE is “The Land of Stories” by Chris Colfer. This is my very favourite middle grade book series, and I still re-read them to this day. They are so magical, and really pull you into a magical world. (Yes, I am missing one but plan to pick it up very soon!)

4. Witch’s Brew: Favorite witch character in any book/series.

I don’t think I’ve read any books with a witch character that I loved. 😦

5. Ghouls and Ghosts: A book that still haunts you to this day (good or bad).


For this question, I will go on the “bad” end of the spectrum. “We Were Liars” by E. Lockhart is one of my least favourite books that I have ever read in recent history. I feel like this book is one of those where you either “love it or hate it” and there’s no in-between. I personally really disliked this book. Although it’s been a while since I read it, I remember not being able to understand anything that was going on, and I also didn’t feel any connection towards any of the characters.

6. Haunted Graveyard: You’re all alone in a haunted graveyard, you get ONE book to give you comfort, which is it?


“Anna and the French Kiss” by Stephanie Perkins is one of my favourite contemporary novels, and one that brought me such joy and warmth when I read it. The characters were so sweet to read about and were written with such clarity. Perkins overall writing style is one of my favourites in general, and of course her cute contemporary storylines are very comforting to read about whether you are in a haunted graveyard or not!

7. The Undead: Favorite supernatural creatures to read about (i.e. vampires, zombies, werewolves, etc).

I would have to say my favourite supernatural creatures to read about are vampires. Even though I have yet to find a book series about vampires that I love (still haven’t read Twilight…), I hope to find a good one in the future!

8. In the dead of night: Pick a book with a black cover.

“milk and honey” by Rupi Kaur is one of the darkest book covers I have seen in recent memory!


That’s it for today’s blog post! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Like I said, if you like this tag and have yet to do it, feel free to say that I tagged you and I will retweet your post on Twitter! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram to see sneak peaks of upcoming blog posts and to find out what I am currently reading!

Good Night Book Owls!

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